
This is a Testing Annocement. I don't have Much to Say. This is a Place for a Short Product Annocement

Wednesday 28 February 2018


Resep Masakan Indonesia
Resep Masakan – Soto Banjar

Bahan Soto Banjar :
1 ekor Ayam muda
2 buah Kentang direbus dipotong-potong
100 gram Soun yang sudah direndam
3 sdm Bawang goreng
1 sdm Bawang putih goreng
5 batang Seledri dirajang
4 butir Telur rebus dibelah empat bagian
4 buah Perkedel
4 sdm Minyak goreng untuk menumis
1 buah Ketupat Banjar dipotong-potong
1 batang Kayu manis
2 sdm Kecap
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Hana Lumlum

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